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fit text vertically into a box when using Typography of MUI

Posted on:May 8, 2024 at 07:40 AM

Getting a MUI MUI-icon Typography vertically fit into a box in your React React-icon compoent

When trying to fit text vertically into a box, you may have recognized that the Typography component of MUI does not provide a prop for that. So how can you achieve this? Searching the web will find several solutions, but most of them are not working with the Typography component of MUI. So let me show you a simple solution that works with the Typography component of MUI:

import { Grid, Typography } from '@mui/material';
import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';

const VerticalTypography = ({ className, children }: { className?: string; children: ReactNode }) => {
    return (
        <Grid container className={className} maxWidth="2rem" justifyContent="center" alignItems="center">
            <Typography variant="body2" sx={{ writingMode: 'vertical-lr', transform: 'rotate(180deg)' }} noWrap>

export default React.memo(VerticalTypography);

What is done here…

The box is a Grid component with a maxwidth of 2rem to make the text fit and have some kinf of spacing around. the Grid component as a flexbox also provides the justifyContent and alignItems props to center the text vertically and horizontally. I also added a className prop to make the VerticalTypography component reusable with custom styles.

Finally the Typography component is used with noWrap to prevent the text from wrapping. The magic for getting the text vertically is done by the writingMode and transform props of the sx prop of the Typography component. I also chose variant="body2" for the Typography component, but you can choose any other variant you like. I my case the font I’m using show less clitches with body2 than with body1.

Passing the children prop to the Typography component makes the VerticalTypography component reusable for any text you want to fit vertically into a box. If you like to have more strict typing, you can also pass a string instead of ReactNode to the children prop.